
Your daily dose of ocean

Who is Oceanamp?

I am Anja Medau, Founder of OceanAmp.

I am a Journalist, Radio presenter and PR Consultant and live in Berlin, Germany.

But mostly, I am an OceanLover.

The idea for OceanAmp was born about 2 years ago on a surftrip to Portugal in high tourist season. I experienced the nicest beaches on earth but at the same time the effects of mass tourism: Trash, not enough wastebins, not enough toilets and people who many times would not have any ecological awareness. I wanted to change something.

With OceanAmp I want to tell inspiring stories about Ocean Conservation Initiatves, people and ideas to amplify their work and make it easier for EVERYONE to find this information, that is not easily found on mainstream media. With OceanRadio I am starting to make my dream come true: An Online Webradio Station about and for our Oceans.

… life is a wave full of ups and downs.
What matters is that you keep on surfing it!