by Veit Juergens | Jul 16, 2015 | General, Magazine
Surfing is more than a sport. It’s also a love affair with the ocean and with nature. But what about protecting the environment in which we surf? What about ocean friendly, sustainable surfing? Are we doing our part to protect our precious ocean, nature and the...
by Anja Medau | Jan 9, 2015 | General, Magazine
I guess by now everyone has heared about – the 5 gyres- te start of a plastic ocean. No? Rings no bell? 5 gyres are five major garbage patches drifting in the oceans north and south of the Equator at the latitude of our great terrestrial deserts. The Great...
by Anja Medau | Nov 3, 2014 | General, Magazine
Plastic in my food? Disgusting thought… A very cool novel 3-D animation by graphic Artist Andreas Tanner Shows how our consumption of plastics has affected marine species deaths and increased human health risks. It explores possible long-term solutions. Tanner...