
Your daily dose of ocean

Podcast Editor

Podcast Editor

 You are a passionate podcasting or radio editor with work experience? You love the ocean, maybe you surf, dive, kite-surf or simply love the big blue and environmental issues?  Are you keen to explore Journalism 2.0, have the enthusiasm to roll up your sleeves and...
WANTED: Business Partner!

WANTED: Business Partner!

If Ocean is as much in your blood as in mine and you want to create yourself a career that creates positive social and environmental change – you are my man ( or woman , of course!) I am looking for an overall business partner to shoot out this platform together...
Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager

We are looking for an Ocean Loving Social Media Manager to help grow OceanAmp’s presence across all social media outlets ( Facebook, Youtube Google+, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest…) The Social Media Editor should be able to deploy original content across all...