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[column]Just after 2 months of existance Nina Soentgerath von reisehappen.de nominated OceanAmp in January for the Liebster Award ! Thank you Nina!
Nina is blogging about Travelling and the best food from all over the world- and: of course- she is an OceanLover! You must check her out!The Liebster Award is given from one new blogger to another to discover new blogs, respect the hard work and to push eachother in the beginning. The word “Liebster” means loved, best liked, favourite …[/column]
Nina’s Questions:
1. How and why did you start blogging?
With Oceanamp I am working on building my dream. A global OceanRadio and an information platform about the ocean. All my blood and heart goes into it. For not one single buck. I have different dytime jobs in media to pay my rent. To be honest, I never planned to start blogging. When I started my idea about oceanamp I started on Facebook- sharing stories i thought were meaningful and important about our oceans- the element I just love. After doing that for almost a year I got more and more aware of all Ocean problems, so many people and foundations, who care about it all communicating on different plattforms. I wanted to create a plattform, where all those people could come together. Well, and after talking to some startup people, the only way to really do this was to start my own platform- as a blog…. And here we go…. 😉
2. What inspires you?
Well, as I do not write my blog about personal things (well I guess this one post here is the only personal post I will have…;)) my inspiration for my blog is rather news oriented so far. If it comes to my Oceanradio show, I am deeply inspired and just love FM4, an austrian 2-3 lingual radio program, as well as B2, a bavarian radio Program, but also RadioEins and FluxFM here in Berlin and former Radio Alchemy of SBS Sydney. Abolut Podcasting king and my favourite inspirational plattform I just found out about is Radiotopia!!!Other than that ideas and creativity for me arise in moments of stillness. Which are times outside, in nature. Walking, being outside, being at the ocean, watching the horizon, calming down.
3. What has been the greatest moment in your life so far?
For me great moments are often identified as “great” a lot after. Maybe a fantastic 6 months trip to Australia after university- or my first time having an own radioshow- thinking I am going to get a heart attack- the first time I saw myself on TV- the first time I heared a story of me on the radio. All great, great, great moments. But that after a while gets all normal. As you do it for a while. Always and again I am fascinated by nature. Really. Fantastic sunsets, fantastic colors, fantastic water refelctions, fantastic peace and oneness to be felt. I know…. I’m just a hippie…. ☺
4. While travelling, did you meet people that significantly changed your life?
When travelling extensively you often meet people who have gone far from normal lifestyles and civilized living. And I am definitely not talking about the nowadays so called „digital nomads“. I mean people who decided to live a different lifestyle. People who have been travelling for 14 years, living in tents, repairing boats to sleep in, living in tribes, eating worms- whatever. I like to meet them and I like to see different realities. But at the same time I realize that I cannot go that far. Makes you realize who you are.
5. Which are the 3 most important things in your life?
My appartement- no matter how crazy my life sometimes gets- it really is my saving place so often. My family. Same thing. Anker. Even though they are of course not things. And number 3? My friends! Yes!
6. What does Freedom mean to you?
If I talk to other people they think I live a very free life as a freelance journalist. I have never been employed my whole life. I do not have a family. I can whenever I want do whatever I want wherever I want. And it always has been like that. For me again, I must say, I learned, that this sort of freedom can also have it’s tricky sides. Not knowing how to pay your rent next month. Not knowing where you will be next month, what you will do next month, next year. Just living in the moment. Day by day, year by year. Lately I really appreciate the easyness and safety of having one steady job right now, which allows me to do this blog still. And gives me all the freedom to travel, live dreams, work on passions, which I didnt have before in that hamster wheel of an always on the run freelance- life.
7. Do you like cooking or you rather have someone cook for you?
OMG—- I cannot cook. LOVE to be cooked for…;)
8. What is your favourite food?
hmmmm—I really like vietnamese, I like Vienna Schnitzel, I LOVE sweet potatoes, ahhhh- a lot of things…;)
9. Did you ever have culinaric Adventures while travelling?
While trvelling not really. Rather once here in Berlin I had to try Jelly Fish in a Japanese Traditional Restaurant………uuuuuhhhhh….. ;)!
10. What is your favourite book?
Tuesdays with Morrie. A long way down by Nick Hornby
11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully finally living on a beach (Still havent found excatly where). Writing my book. Doing my OceanRadio Show.
And here are my nominees:
My Liebster Award 2015 for great new blogs goes to:
- Greensoul – Dominique Soulas
- Fraumanu – Manu Nedza
- Treibholzeffekt – Andrea Kohlhas
- Seayousoon – Sabine Spallek
- Meerblog – Elke Weiler
- Waitamo.de – Tanja Nedwig
- LivenDive – Lena Jenal
- Felixtravelblog – Felix Dziekan
- PreciousOcean – Veit Jürgens
Here’s my questions to you:
1. Did you ever think you would become a blogger? How/ Why did it happen?
2. What subject do you blog about and why?
3. What does blogging mean to you?
4. What was the coolest story ever connected to your blog?
6. What do you do when you are not blogging?
7. What is a story you really, really, really want to write?
8. Which blogs are you following?
9. Is there another project you really like to accomplish?
10. What do you connect with the Ocean? Any story, feeling, goosebumps in mind?
11. Any tipps or comments you can give future bloggers?
The Rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you and insert a link to his or her blog in your article
2. Answer the 11 questions
3. Nominate 5 to 11 other bloggers for Liebster Award, who have less than 1.000 fans on facebook
4. Create a new list of 11 questions for the bloggers, you’ve nominated
5. Include the rules of “Liebster Award” into your article
6. Inform your nominees via your blog article
Can’t wait for your answers!
Please let me know, when they are out!