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Why a Viking tradition slaughters whales in 2015


250 pilot whales were slaughtered in an old Viking Tradition last weekend again on the Faroe Islands.

Every year in the summer months it is Whaling season on the Faroe Islands, islands between the European countries of Great Britain and Norway.
It is a cultural festival where the whole town comes to participate.
One of those sessions is called a „Grind“ – short for „Grindarap“.
It happened again last weekend and more than 250 pilot whales where slaughtered in a barbaric way.

OceanAmp talked to Captain Wyanda Lublink,  who works for Seashepherd on the Faroe islands, why this is still happening today and what we can do about it.
Hear this story on OceanRadio:


This is The Video Wyanda talked about:


Find more Information about Seashepherd, their work on the Faroe islands and support them  HERE !

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