The ice at the top of the world reflects much of the sun’s heat back into space and keeps our whole planet cool, stabilizing the weather systems that we depend on to grow our food.
But because of dirty fossil fuel energy, the Arctic could soon be completely ice-free in summer. Icemelt would contribute to rising sea levels, disrupt global weather patterns, and make warming happen faster. This would be devastating not only for the people and animals who live in the region – but for the rest of us too. Protecting the Arctic means protecting us all.
The Arctic is home to incredible wildlife, from majestic polar bears to blubbery walruses and mysterious narwhals. But all Arctic species depend on sea ice to survive, and the ice is vanishing with terrifying speed.
Without sea ice to hunt, rest, and breed, the very survival of polar bears and other wildlife is under threat. Mother polar bears, weak and starving, have trouble reproducing. Their cubs must fight the odds to survive into adulthood.
Unless we take action soon, experts warn that polar bears could disappear completely from the Arctic in the next 100 years. Act now to protect their home.
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