
Your daily dose of ocean

Diving Mallorca: the sharks are back

Diving Mallorca: the sharks are back

Diving Mallorca? A must do. Because the Sharks are back! Since the designation of  the marine reserve „Levante de Mallorca“ in 2007 many species are returning to the Balearic island making diving in Mallorca more and more interesting. There are currently more than 700...
This is getting personal: My Liebster Award

This is getting personal: My Liebster Award

[columns_row width=”half”] [column][/column] [column]Just after 2 months of existance  Nina Soentgerath von reisehappen.de nominated OceanAmp in January for the Liebster Award !  Thank you Nina! Nina is blogging about Travelling and the best food from all...
OceanAmp is growing!

OceanAmp is growing!

Oh we are so happy! Our little ship is welcoming to new authors aboard! Felix and Jenni ! So good!   Felix is 30 years old, Software Engineer, Dive-Instructor, Blogger, Traveller, Part Time Photographer and Sports Fanatic. In 2013 he made his dream come true and...