
Your daily dose of ocean

What Vance Joy’s song is about: Riptides

What Vance Joy’s song is about: Riptides

You know what Vance Joy’s news Song is all about? RIPTIDE is Vance Joy’s current Hitsingle. The 24year old australian sings about the ups and downs in life and how it can carry you out sometimes. Like a riptide. But what is a riptide actually? read here...
This is getting personal: My Liebster Award

This is getting personal: My Liebster Award

[columns_row width=”half”] [column][/column] [column]Just after 2 months of existance  Nina Soentgerath von reisehappen.de nominated OceanAmp in January for the Liebster Award !  Thank you Nina! Nina is blogging about Travelling and the best food from all...